Pink Hoof Clay is a must for every tack box!
Pink hoof clayis a totally natural and eco-friendly product that contains good bacteria and is bursting with essential oils.
Pink Hoof Clay can be used on the hoof and skin of all equines, and it will help aid the recovery of many conditions, such as: mud-fever, cuts, scratches, sunburn, sweet-itch, bites. The Pink Hoof Clay (PHC) can also be used as a barrier if required. When using on an abscess the PHC will form a poultice and draw out the infection, allowing the essentials oils to take hold (tea tree, lavender and cedarwood).
Only a thin coating of PHC is required upon application, as whatever skin is in contact with the PHC will be treated.The skin/sole/hoof does not need to be dry before applying.
Pink hoof clay is easy to apply with either a brush or your fingers. The PHC will remain on the skin for approx 12-14 hours and will flake off naturally.
How to use Pink Hoof Clay
- Pink Hoof Clay, Is easy to apply simply paint on with a brush or smooth on with your hand.
- Evenly spread on the required area of the skin, e.g: mane, tail, coat, hoof, heel, or frog.
- Allow the animal to stand on a dry surface for up to 5 minutes, to allow the drying process to start.
- If packing a hole, you will need to allow the PHC to dry at a standstill for approx 10/15 mins.
- Pink Hoof Clay provides a long contact period, the clay dries, hardens and seals whilst essential oils to take hold. Even after the clay has gone, the penetrating essential oils will remain.
Key Features
- Can be used on the hoof and skin of all Equines.
- Can be used in all weather conditions.
- Ideal for hoofs, soles, white line areas and many skin issues.
- Pink Hoof Clay is a totally natural and eco-friendly product containing essential oils and bentonite clay.
- Pink Hoof Clay acts as a barrier which stays in contact for approximately 12 hours before drying naturally and flaking off.
- Pink Hoof Clay contains fly repellent qualities.