These Ascot Quality Leather Rubber Grip Reins are 5/8" Wide and have Stainless Steel Fittings.
The special grips are divided into four sections; each being a different bright colour.
The purpose of these reins is to aid children when training or leaning to ride; enabling them to know where to hold the reins in just the right place. Available in two sizes to cover all ages.
The Rubber Grip on these reinsgives the Rider maximumhold inthe hand in all weather conditions. These Reins remainone of the most popular for all types ofriding, and consequently are available in many width & length options.
Featuring convenient Hook Stud Fastening.
Buckle Fastening (For added security) versions are available on some sizes.
Available in Brown Leather
Small Pony 5/8"(16mm) x 42"/107cm approximate Length (Each Rein)- HookStud
Pony 5/8"(16mm) x 48"/120cmapproximate Length (Each Rein)- HookStud